Thank-you for trying the Elenay Font Collection! These are 2 bit (4 Color) and 4 bit (16 Color) “MultiBit” fonts from the collection of Elenay™ Creations! These font samples include “Delicious”, “Moss”, “PurpleHaze”, “Rainbow”, “RainbowPlain”, “Shadow” and “Winesap” in 4 bit and “MenuClock” in 2 bit.
Installing into System 7.1:
Drag the Font Suitcase onto the unopened System Folder. This will install the color font directly into the Font Folder.
Installing into System 7.0.1 or older:
Install this font into your System File with “Font/DA Mover Version 4.1”. This is necessary to assure that the colors are installed into the System File properly. System 7.0.1's "Drag and Drop" feature for installing fonts sometimes has a problem with the color information.
Using This Font:
This font is well suited for use in the Menu Bar, especially on Monochrome Displays! Following are instructions for using this font with SuperClock™ and Menuette™.
Using with SuperClock!™ 4.0.2:
After installing this font into your System File, open the Control Panel “SuperClock”. Select “Clock Options”. In the upper right corner, select a Color Font from the Font Menu and “12” from the Size Menu. On the left column turn OFF the checkbox marked “use clock color instead of menu bar’s”. Set everything else to your own preferences.
Using with Menuette™ 1.1.1:
After installing this font into your System File, open the Control Panel “Menuette”. Select the button “Set Menu Font…”. Select a Color Font from the Font menu. Make sure the Checkbox labled “Bold” is off, as this will distort Color Fonts. Set everything else to your own preferences.
Using this font for any other purpose:
This font will work with most applications that are System 7 compatible. If you come across an application that will not display this font in color, it is the applications fault. Contact the publisher of that application (they may have an Upgrade!). This font will print fine on Color and Grayscale printers as long as the calling application recognizes Color Fonts. This font will only display in the Style “Plain”. If you send in the ShareWare fee below, I will return a collection of this font featuring Bold, Italics, Underlining, or any combination of the three in Sizes 12, 24 and 36 points that could improve printer output quality by 300%.
This font is ShareWare! To register and recieve the complete collection, please send a US$10.00 check or money-order, made out to Anthony D. Saxton, to:
Anthony D. Saxton
Elenay Creations
5686 Big Sea Street
Las Vegas, NV 89110
If you're interested in contracting me to create your own personel Color Font, send me a color printout (or hand drawing) sample of your needs (15 colors Maximum) with a return address and phone number to the above address. Alternatively, you could E-Mail the sample in PICT or GIFF format to: